C-Form Tube Casting Materials

C-Form tube is a synthetic Scanning Sleeve that easily rolls onto the limb and is used in the fabrication of 3D scanned AFOs and Prosthetic sockets. Features and benefits:

  • Finished cast is excellent for digital scanning on the outer surface of the C-Form Tube with no overlapping wraps as with casting tape
  • Conforms nicely to complex shapes
  • Allows for the practitioner to produce a more conforming cast
  • No plaster mess
  • Ample time to work with before it hardens
  • Cost effective (Similar cost per patient to synthetic casting tape)
  • Comes in 2, 3, 4 inch widths, in 20” (50cm) and 28” (70cm) lengths

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Why Choose Us?

Precision manufacturing to your exact specifications

Utilising additive manufacture allows us to be dimensionally perfect with our manufacture. With freedom over design and functionality, the Additive Orthoses range allows us to deliver orthoses to your specific requirements.

Order Process

Complete order form / send scan or cast

Order acknowledgement within 1 working day

The design team processes your order

Your device is created to specification

Order shipped within 10 working days

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Expert support for professional clinicians

We understand that adopting new technology can throw up a few unexpected problems, and not everyone is a tech whizz!

From material properties and scanning technique to clinical advice and logistics, we’re always on hand to answer any questions you may have.